Saturday, 9 April 2011

Big Shooter is Finally on the Blog

Well my honey ( sister Tuttle )  finally got me on the Blog. This is'nt my one of my strong points, but I'll give it a try.  When it comes to office work I am as sharp as a bowling ball.  Get it?  Don't expect much and then you won't be disappointed.  But I'll give you the straight scoop.  Office work is the pits at least for me but Janet loves it because she is the best when it comes to that. Another thing that is'nt very fun is answering the cell phone cause I can't understand any of these people. So the best thing to do is to play dumb then hang up.  But the bad thing is they just call back.  I have a real big offfice with air conditioning, big window and computer and printer.  This makes me feel real important.  But I don't feel like I have any body fooled yet.  But I'll keep trying. 

Now I'll tell you what I am good at ( this won't take long ).  I am real good at combat driving,  I can run any matatu off the road just like they do to me.  I mastered this very unusual way of driving in only 4 days.  Now that made me feel pretty cool.  I like to go out in the bush and meet the villagers look at sand dams, boreholes, latrines, shambas, the little kids and animals.  That's what I am good at.  I will go into more detail at a future blog.  This is how you keep everyone tuning in for more blog talk.  When I figure out how to attach a picture I will start that also.  Well how am I doing so far?  It is way past my bed time so this is all for now.  I'll do better next time. At least everyone is happy for now.  This is Elder Tuttle signing off for now.  See you soon.

1 comment:

  1. Dick,
    You did great on your blog post. I'm impressed :)
